Narrated by Chris Evans, this inspiring true story unveils the hidden superheroes among our best friends. Embark on a global journey to meet exceptional dogs who go above and beyond, saving lives and forming unbreakable bonds with their human partners.
Witness the captivating stories of:
Halo is a rookie puppy on a mission to join one of America’s most elite disaster response teams.
Henry is the avalanche rescue expert conquering the Canadian Rockies.
Reef is the Newfoundland lifeguard pup patrolling the Italian coast.
Ricochet is the Californian surf legend assisting people with special needs.
Tipper and Tony are the dynamic Bloodhound brothers leading the charge to save endangered species in Africa.
Uncover the incredible abilities of these canine heroes and explore the astonishing science behind their superpowers. Don’t miss this extraordinary limited-time offer – for a few days only, experience the world through the eyes of these remarkable dogs, and you’ll never see your best friend(s) the same way again!
Adult (ages 14-59): $8.00
Child (ages 2-13 years): $8.00
Child (under 2 years): Free
Senior (ages 60+): $8.00